Why US

  • We have love, passion and energy for what we do. Does that seem ok with you?
  • We are very honest and loyal with our clients. We know that the key to a long-lasting relationship is trust.
  • We do not compromise our values with money whatsoever. Yes we do business, but not on the expense of our values.
  • We understand the nature of Scandnavia and Nordic perfectly.
  • We are not skilled, but talented sales men. Yes we are.
  • The founder of the Frolic bird has done a masters degree in sustainability in Jönköping university in Sweden and did extensive market research about the Swedish consumer behavior. We know the Scandinavian market very well.
  • If we miss something, we are willing to learn and cooperate with our clients. We are not perfect, but we will always try and never give up.
  • We promise that whenever we discuss an issue, we will be listening to understand you, not listening just to respond for the sake of the conversation.